Traffic Ticket Lawyer in St Peters, MO

Traffic violations are a bigger deal than most people think. The negative impact they could eventually have on your driver’s license is potentially devastating.

Aside from the fee that’s always associated with a ticket, you’re likely to see increased insurance rates and points on your driver’s record if you simply plead guilty, which is what happens when you pay without consulting a traffic law firm like Missouri Traffic Tickets. The points-based system that Missouri utilizes is cumulative, which means that even if this is your first offense, you don’t want to risk stacking up points for the future.

For these reasons and more, it is important that you talk with a traffic attorney who knows your local laws and courts. Our team of traffic ticket lawyers works all across Missouri and with all sorts of traffic citations. We’re confident that we can help with your case and save you time, money, and a lot of confusing hassle.

Potential Impact On Employment Chances!


Speeding tickets can be a big problem for your job. If you drive for work, like in delivery, commercial driver, taxi job, or rideshare, it can hurt your chances of getting hired or maintaining employment. Every employer is different and has different requirements for clean driving records, but at times, a bad driving record can be a bar to employment or promotion.

Employers want to hire “low-risk” individuals. They gather this information from your driving record, which shows how many points you have accrued. If you have many points, it’s likely a driving company will not hire you because they need to maintain a “low-risk” company for their own insurance reasons.

Additionally, gathering too many points on your driving record will make your insurance rates climb until, eventually, you can’t get covered any longer. That’s no good if your job involves a lot of driving! Don’t worry because we’re here to help.

How a Traffic Lawyer Can Help

A traffic ticket lawyer greatly helps the situation by reducing penalties that are often associated with traffic tickets, which helps avoid unnecessary disruptions to your daily life. We also help prevent your insurance from raising your rates.

Lee’s Summit traffic ticket attorneys are crucial to maintaining clean driving records and preserving your necessary driving privileges.

Reducing Ticket Penalties


Our entire job is to make your life easier. Here are ways those of us at Missouri Traffic Tickets help out local drivers:

  1. Negotiation: All of our skilled traffic lawyers know exactly how to talk to prosecutors in a way that will get your ticket amended to a non-moving violation and decrease the negative impact of the ticket.
  2. Insurance Rates: We work hard to keep your insurance rates from going up. Non-moving violations don’t usually raise rates, which is why we work so hard to achieve that status.
  3. Driving Records: Keeping points off your record is important because too many points eventually lead to suspended or revoked licenses.
  4. Adjustment: If you’re accused of a DUI/DWI, a skilled attorney will understand the technical aspects of a breathalyzer, and they might be able to find other sobriety tests to positively affect your case.
  5. Knowledge: Our lawyers understand local laws and have experience in the local courts.
  6. Protection: We protect your job opportunities by keeping your driving record clean.
  7. Saving Time: Because we can act in your stead, we save you the time it takes to go to court and speak up. Most traffic ticket violations can be resolved by an attorney without you ever having to show up!

Avoiding Unnecessary Inconvenience


Dealing with traffic tickets is a hassle every time. Almost every traffic violation requires a lot of paperwork, which any experienced traffic lawyer can help with. Knowing one’s way through the process makes it a lot easier to manage, which saves time and stress. Having a lawyer in your corner is worth it every time.

Stopping Insurance Increase


We all know how miserable it is to have our insurance rates climb as we’re forced to watch helplessly. A traffic lawyer knows how to fight the typical increase of your premiums by standing up for you in court.

If your lawyer is successful, there will be no points added to your record, which means no increase in your rates. Call for a consultation today to learn how you can have a lawyer fighting for you and for your driving record.

Why Choose a Lee's Summit Traffic Lawyer?

Choosing Lee’s Summit traffic lawyer with Missouri Traffic Tickets is the same as choosing expert representation. Our professionals are deeply versed in all the local laws and proceedings, as well as exceptionally prepared to handle any course in the traffic courts of Lee’s Summit.

You can get answers to your questions about hiring, attending court, case resolution timelines, and costs associated with signing on for a traffic lawyer, as well as any other questions you might come up with by calling in for a free consultation.

Cost of Hiring a Traffic Lawyer


Hiring a traffic lawyer may seem costly at the start, but it will save a lot of money in the long run. We quote you a flat fee for the speeding ticket, and there is no fee for inquiring about your case. If you work with us, you don’t only save money. You save time when making court appearances. So, even though the upfront cost may seem intimidating, you can be confident that it’s a better deal than going through with it on your own.

Time Required for Case Resolution


Your ticket may take quite a bit of time to solve. It could be upwards of two weeks, even stretching into months. It all depends on the courts and the uniqueness of your case. So, that means that each case requires a specific plan.

We will need your patience as we conduct our research and work to create the best course of action for you, but know that we are always available to answer your questions, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Court Appearance Requirement

Whether or not you are required to appear in court for a traffic ticket is dependant on the type of ticket and the individual court. Our lawyers are comfortable across Missouri in any court. We are happy to help you get everyone done in time. We just need you to give us the required documents, make sure the court fees are paid on time, and appear in court when/if it becomes necessary. Usually, we can resolve traffic tickets without needing you to appear in court.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to represent yourself in traffic court. It might seem like the least expensive option, but the odds are that the results won’t end up in your favor unless you have extensive knowledge of the system. However, drivers are always allowed to represent themselves in court. 

Often times individuals end up spending time and money to fight the ticket on their own and still end up having to pay a fine that comes with points on a driving record. As a general rule prosecutors and judges are NOT allowed to give legal advice.  Save yourself the headache and consult with a traffic attorney for help.

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact our Joplin, Missouri, law office to discuss your situation and get a free consultation.