Where is the Lawrence County Circuit Court?
The address for the Lawrence County Circuit Court is:
240 N. Main St.
Mount Vernon, MO 65712
When is the Lawrence County Circuit Court open?
It is important that individuals come to court on their court date. Failure to show up for an assigned court date, even for a traffic ticket, may result in a warrant for arrest. If an individual is unable to make a court date they should contact the court in-person or by phone.
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(417) 466-2471
A good place to check for case information is https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet
What Type of Cases Does the Lawrence County Court Handle?
Lawrence County is the 39th Judicial Circuit of the State of Missouri. Lawrence County Courthouse handles cases where an individual is accused of violating the Missouri Revised Statutes and Lawrence County Municipal Code. The Lawrence County Court handles felonies, misdemeanors and infractions that take place within the court’s jurisdiction of Lawrence County. This Court handles many matters related to traffic offenses including:
- All levels of driving while intoxicated/under the influence (DWI/DUI).
- Speeding tickets
- Careless and imprudent driving tickets
- Driving while suspended
- Driving without a valid license
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Other miscellaneous traffic tickets.
Traffic Tickets usually will have the Court Date on the Ticket, but oftentimes that date can be wrong.
When you were issued your traffic ticket a court date was provided by the officer. It is always advisable to check prior to that court date to ensure your ticket has been filed with the courts. You can access Lawrence County court information on Missouri Casenet here: https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet
First, select Lawrence County Judicial Circuit from the field titled “Search For Cases In” and enter your name as shown on your ticket. Next, in the field “Year Case was Filed”, enter the year your ticket was issued and then click “Find”. If you cannot locate your case, please contact our office at (417) 466-2471 If you do not have access to Case.net, please feel free to call the courthouse or a traffic ticket attorney can handle this for you.
Can an Individual Avoid Going to Court in Lawrence County?
An individual can hire an attorney to take care of their matter. In some situations the Lawrence County Court will excuse an individual’s personal appearance when charged with a traffic ticket if they have an attorney representing them. It is important to check with the attorney handling the case because every case is different on whether a person’s appearance is required or not.
Second, you may be able to go to the court during normal business hours and enter a plea of guilty. It is important that a plea of guilty could result in points and a conviction on a criminal record. It is important to remember that traffic tickets can have collateral consequences and it is never a bad idea to consult with a traffic attorney.
Some offenses require personal appearance or an attorney to appear on the defendant’s behalf.
How Do I Get an Extension on My Fines, Costs and/or Programs?
Any extension must be approved by the Judge and will often require a court appearance. To request extensions, please call or visit the Circuit Clerk’s Office.
*Please note that if your costs are in collections, you will not be able to request an extension on cost.
The Following Municipal Courts are within the jurisdiction of the 46th Judicial Circuit in Lawrence County:
Aurora Municipal Court
2 W Pleasant St.,
Aurora, MO 65605
Phone: (417) 678-5121
Freistatt Municipal Court
240 N Main St Suite 110,
Mt Vernon, MO 65712
Phone: (417) 466-2471
Miller Municipal Court
2001 Highway 52
Tuscumbia, MO 65802
Phone: (417) 452-3371
Pierce City Municipal Court
240 N Main St.,
Mount Vernon, MO 65712
Phone: (417) 476-2323
Verona Municipal Court
144 N. 3rd St.,
Verona, MO 65769
Phone: (417) 498-6725